Friday, November 25, 2011


To start off, I need consensus. My starting point is that we all accept the discovery that we are results of an evolutionary process. More apt: there was life before humankind came into being. This is what I need you to accept, face value, from here I go on.

Accepting that life evolved over a long time, and accepting that we humans are a recent member of life’s species, you now have two choices; either you accept the commonly accepted scientific explanation of genetic  evolution, inheritance with ever so much change mixed in because this process is blind and has no purpose. And then there is this other notion; life has meaning, life has purpose, life is valuable. Why is it that this second notion spans all times, all regions and all ethnicities? Because there is a silent ‘my’ before all these convictions. How do you live when you don’t have meaning, don’t have purpose and you’re not valuable?

All religions, philosophies, ideologies are  our trying to answer the most important question: why am I here? The fact that we relate and depend on our neighbours morphed the question into; why are we here?

So, we have the scientific atheist view of a purposeless process of ‘survival of the fittest’ or an unfathomable range of religious and philosophical thought, trying to make sense of our life’s, give it meaning and valuable, or not.

Is life as in evolution a blind force, purposeless or is there meaning and purpose to be found at the centre of our existence?

Of course there is.

To accredit evolution with human values as blind, purposelessness is a compete misdirection when we are being introduced to the atheist explanation of life and evolution. You won’t find these values of blind and purposelessness ever again, it’s all about ‘surviving’. 

It’s all about surviving. Survival of the species, the fittest, it even penetrates our human experience on more than one level. For us surviving means many things; survive in business, in arts, faith..etc. But try and find a definition of the word and you’ll find there is none, really, Google it. Except of course the philosophical tautology; To remain alive.  

What does it mean, to remain alive? This actually is the real 64 thousand dollar question. And I will answer it.

I don’t need religion, no ideology or philosopher. I only need the self-ignored paradox of no purpose what’s whoever against there explanation of evolution where they defend another purpose;  survival! Which would make a nice scientific equation; to survive = meaningless. Of course for each and every one of us it isn’t.

When we accept that surviving is the one and only purpose of life, the question becomes more visible. If life is an intelligent agency with an obvious goal to survive, then we’re not here by accident. Like the camouflage of the leopard and the sonar driven bats, we too are here for a reason., that reason is for life to survive. But what is it we were evolved for? What is our special feature that might help life to survive indefinitely? What is it that life experienced and threatened her existence that we were a necessity for her to create? Exactly, God.

God is the almighty one. God proofed to be more powerful than life. God is the universe and the he judges us and more than once punished us. God is not something you can adapt to in the normal way, God comes suddenly and from beyond our direct environment. God is the universe that created life. God giveth and taketh away.

So the answer is simple; we’re here because life knows that we’re living on an unstable planet and to survive we need to leave our nest eventually. That’s why we were created and that’s why the most important scientist of today says exactly that; Stephen Hawkins. He just doesn’t know that it was all intended.

Lets answer some more questions. For life to survive indefinitely, human kind is the only species that ventured beyond this planet. We know since the early seventy’s that life had some disastrous experiences long before humankind came into being.  The cometh strike 65 million years ago and the end Permian extinction of 250 million years ago (years are human values). Conclusion: the planet almost killed us and later on the universe tried the same.  To survive we need to adapt to the universe and be able to leave the nest, earth. That’s where love comes in, or more accurately; do not do to another what you do not want another to do to you. This adage we find in all cultures through all times, but almost never practiced fully.

So what are we? We’re not the end station, that’s for sure. Sacrificing for the other is a rare feature within human life, but it is well admired. We are the intermediary species of life’s search for survival. Our (western) notion of freedom omits  the obvious; to stay alive you need to do stuff. It’s the stuff all life does to stay alive. That’s when we encounter our life-forces.

They say that if fish were philosophical they would discover the water they live in lastly. They are right. We too discover our core motivations when all else has been scrutinized.  And how embarrassing; we too saw nothing where all of it gathers. What do we do that all other life forms from day one did?

It’s not reproducing as western common believe states, of course it’s not, it’s feeding!

The purpose of life is to keep on living, survive. To survive life needs food, when fed she’ll reproduce.

Now the life force: why does life eat? If she doesn’t she’ll experience pain, hunger. Pain, hunger is the first motivator that made life eat. Hunger is pain, but pain isn’t our motivator to eat, it’s lust. Pleasure comes before the pain. When you do not eat yo9u get peckish, you’d like this or that to eat, but when you fail to eat for long enough, this puckishness will turn into hunger, pain, Then you do not care about what you eat as long as you’ve got food.

Pain and pleasure lie at the core of life’s consciousness. We’re just made in her image, to do battle with God and each other to accelerate our knowledge of where we are and how to survive. None of us are in expendable all of us are sacrificed.    

There was no way of knowing why we were here before the mid-seventies of last century. The discovery of mass-extinctions in life’s history was the first explanation of the universal end-times within most religions. Armageddon is what it is, you’ve seen the movie!  Life’s gonna tackle that!

The idea of death doesn’t make sense according to this theory of survival. Why do we die? We don’t.

Ever seen the birth of a lizard in the wild?  An ancient species alive long before us humans. It knows, reacts and acts with full knowledge from the moment it hatches. That’s original life. It isn’t bourn like we are born, clueless. It’s fully equipped and ready to go. It can even play dead when a predator comes near.

To be created in her image and in the image of God we were deprived of eternal life. For the first time a life form contemplated death. Life created the first philosophical life form.

So here you are, not the conclusion but a steppingstone. You are forgiven for all you’ve done that transgresses the  goal to survive. You won’t be punished for your sins.

Can you forgive yourself?


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